Ham Radio
Ham Radio CD-ROM (Emerald Software) (1995).ISO
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117 lines
RTTY for RS-232 and Your PC
P.O. BOX 75
BEDFORD, N.H. 03102
This program will turn your pc or jr. into an RTTY terminal.
The program has many features.
Among the many features are:
1. Eight (8) selectable buffers of 1000 bytes each.
2. Type ahead into any selected buffer.
3. Load disk file into buffer.
4. Send a disk file.
5. Preview a buffer.
6. 60/66/75 or 100 WPM Baud speeds.
7. 110 or 300 Baud ASCII.
8. USOS on/off.
9. Send "Quick Brown Fox".
10. Send "RYs".
11. Load a standard message for transmission.
12. Send all data from screen to your printer.
13. Send any of the buffers as required.
Function Keys are defined as follows:
<F1> Allows the operator to switch between 60 and 100
WPM Baud speeds.
<F2> Allows the operator to switch between 67 and 75
WPM Baud speeds.
<F3> Allows the operator to switch between 110 and 300
Baud ASCII speeds.
<F4> Sends the standard file which is loaded when the program is
first brought up. The program loads into a buffer from a
file named "GIGO" [Garabage-In-Garbage-Out]. As with all
of the buffers, the maximum size for GIGO is 1000 characters.
<F5> Allows you to send any [-ASCII-] disk file.
<F6> Permits you to type data from your keyboard into any of
the selected buffers for later transmissions.
<F7> Allows you to display selected buffer on the CRT.
<F8> This function will allow the operator to load a ASCII disk
file into a selected buffer. If the file length is greater
than 999 bytes, only the first 998 bytes of the disk file
will be loaded.
<F9> Sends the data from a selected buffer.
<F10> Displays the Main Menu for the RTTY program.
The following function/number keys should be pressed at the same
time as the "ALT" key is held down.
<ALT+F1> Enables or disables the Un-Shift-On-Space flag.
<ALT+F2> Sends "Quick Brown Fox".
<ALT+F3> Sends a single line of "RY's".
<ALT+F4> Enables or disables the printer. If there is no printer,
or the printer is out of paper, a "NO-PTR" message will
appear on line 25 of the display, causing this function
to be disabled.
<ALT+F5> Forces the incoming data to be LETTERS.
<ALT+1 to ALT+8> Select buffer 1 through 8 as desired.
<ESC> Allows you to re set the display.
<CTRL+F10> By pressing the "CTRL" key and then the "F10" key, you will
exit the RTTY program and return to the system prompt.
Special functions:
When the character - ~ - [tilda] is found, the current time will be
inserted in any of the data sent, whether from a disk file, typed into
a buffer, or a disk file in a buffer,
Whenever you are not typing data into a buffer, you will be transmitting
data out the RS-232 port of your pc.
This program will allow you to select either com1 or com2 for your
Line 25 will display the current status of the program. It will tell
you the current speed, USOS [On or Off], printer status [ON/OFF Not On Line].
While you are typing into a selected buffer, number of characters typed into
the buffer, and which buffer has been selected.